Call for Abstract

Present at the APM LEAD Conference! We are accepting abstracts on the outlined topics and other related topics that fall within the conference theme.



Presenting at APM LEADCon 2024 allows you to:

  •  Gain recognition from your industry peers through online promotion, the printed registration brochure and the post-event proceedings.
  • Contribute to the advancement and education of attendees.
  • Showcase your work, lessons learned, success stories, results, and expertise.
  • Earn course hours toward tour industry continuing professional development certification.


Best Presentation Awardees of 2023


Ms. Marian Mesina

RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Safety)

Mr. Bon Jovi Matacsil


Mr. Chirstopher Roces


Presentations should be representative of the APM LEADCon 2024 Conference Tracks:

  • Asset and Risk Management
  • Asset Integrity
  • RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Safety)
  • Leadership in Engineering

In addition, abstracts relevant to industry surveys and reports will be accepted. All abstract must relate to one of the conference themes noted above.

Please consider the following before submitting an abstract:

  • All presenter and co-presenters must be a current practitioner in the industry.
  • The primary presenter is responsible for submitting the following as part of the online submission process:
    • A proposed session title (90 character or less including spaces
    • A brief (125 – 150 word)description of the presentation for use in print and online promotion
    • An abstract (35- 400 words or less) to be used by reviewers to evaluate the proposed session
    • Contact information and brief biographies (300 – 350 words at most) for both presenter and, if applicable, co-presenter
  • To maintain the integrity of conference’s content, all presentations must be noncommercial in nature. Presentations that could be interpreted as commercial will not be accepted. To this end, we ask that abstracts focus on case studies emphasizing methodology rather than the specific tools used (such as proprietary software or equipment). In addition, presentations should avoid discussion of trademark solutions. If you feel that your subject matter requires a focus on proprietary products or services in order to convey the content, prospective attendees must be aware of this in advance, so the abstract, session title and session description should clearly indicate this.
  • No more than two presenters per presentation are allowed, and all presenter must present in person. In certain circumstances, a co-presenter may be substituted after a written request has been made and approved by the applicable Symposium Committee.


Abstracts will be reviewed and graded by the applicable committee. Each abstract will be assessed based on the following criteria.

  • Target audience: What level of experience (beginner/intermediate/advanced) is it geared toward?
  • Relevance: Is the abstract aligned to the chosen Conference Theme? When submitting your abstract you will be asked to identify which theme your abstract best aligns with; please CLICK HERE to view the Conference Tracks. Please note that after committee review, your presentation may be assigned to a different theme.
  • Practitioner experience: The abstract submitted should include at least one presenter with experience in performing the theme-topic function for their company (the co-presenter may have aided presenter in performing the said function).
  • Perceived commercial nature of presentation: As noted above, abstracts must refrain from selling company’s product and/or services. Commercial presentation will not be accepted.
  • Timeliness of presentation: How well does the abstract relate to the current or emerging direction of this conference theme?

Qualification of speaker to present on the topic: Your biography should include a brief overview of your qualifications. An industry recognized certification is encouraged, while other qualification will be considered depending on your chosen topic.

Plant Maintenance Workforce’ Certification Initiative Adopting Competency-Based Assessment

Speaker: Engr. Edwin Heredia, RME, MSc Mfg. Mgmt.


This study investigated the process in designing and formulating implementation framework in initiating internal certification of an Industrial Organization for its plant maintenance workforce, Plant Maintenance Mechanics (PMM). The framework design had been linked to the principle of Competency-Based Training and Assessment (CBTA) for adoption. Action research (AR) and its four-step cyclic process (Planning, Acting, Observing and Reflecting) was utilized as an approach in structuring this study paper.

Plant maintenance organizational competency goals had been identified with the participation of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) through Developing-A-Curriculum (DACUM) workshop. DACUM is a model that had been used as tool in conducting Job and Tasks Analysis (JTA) in identifying and breaking down key duties and tasks of PMM’s role.

A mechanical maintenance Competency Standard (CS) for PMM role had been developed and generated as outcome of DACUM-JTA. Competency Standard specifies the task-element and performance criteria (PC) that a PMM shall be qualified for a certification. Workplace competency-based assessment (CBA) requires mechanical maintenance’ CS for verifying the performances of PMM and competency conforming to Plant maintenance standards during assessment process. In the perspective of Competency-Based Training (CBT), a CS is significant in selecting learning contents that enable a PMM to function as mechanical maintenance personnel.

The formulated framework in initiating internal certification for plant maintenance workforce is dependent on CS. Task element and PC specified in the CS were baseline data in validating PMM’s competencies and in further designing training interventions and competency assessment tools. Internally certifying PMM is an organizational initiative that addresses quality maintenance performances measured on a basis of an organizational CS. Therefore, a workplace CBA process adopted for certification shall be aligned with the CS.


Day 1

October 6, 2023 | 02:15 -03:00 (Conference Room 1)

Engr. Edwin Heredia

RME, MSc Mfg. Mgmt. 

Independent Internal Verifier


Experienced Mechanical Engineer focused on technical training in the field of mechanical maintenance and machine shop operations, capable of managing Human Capital’s Learning and Development, OPITO Competency Management System (CMS) and ISO Quality Management System (QMS) implementation. Qualified Trainer-Assessor and Internal Verifier in an industrial organization that sets up a Competency-Based Training (CBT) system.


Day 1

Oct. 6, 2023  (Conference Room 1)


Plant Maintenance Workforce’ Certification Initiative Adopting Competency-Based Assessment

Incorporating Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation in Asset Management

Speaker: Engr. Marian Kristine Mesina, RME, CAAM


This presentation aims to explore key foundations for success in developing robust asset management frameworks assisting in planning effectively and responding to climate events through more appropriate asset investment needs analysis, tailored systems engineering standards, adapted operations and maintenance strategies and enhanced resilience planning. This presentation will also tackle relevant case studies and best industry practices for incorporating climate change resilience and adaption in asset management.


Day 2

October 7, 2023 | 11:15 – 12:00 nn (Conference Room 1)

Engr. Marian Kristine Mesina


Snr. Advisor – Asset Management, GHD Advisory Asia


Marian is a Licensed Mechanical Engineer with 8 years of professional experience in asset management and has an environmental engineering background in water quality management. She is also a Certificated Associate in Asset Management (CAAM), accredited by the Asset Management Council of Australia. Her experience covers leading and implementing holistic asset management programs, operations and maintenance planning and optimization, resource & capital investment planning, and managing & implementing project portfolios. In GHD, she has led asset management maturity assessments and gap analysis, asset management technical due diligence, asset management strategy and policies development, and operational readiness programs for the energy and water clients in the Philippines and Southeast Asia. She has also been involved in the delivery asset management projects and programs for the city councils of Australia such as the asset condition reviews for the City of Melbourne and facility audits for the City of Brisbane.


Day 2

Oct. 7, 2023 | 11:15 – 12:00 (Conference Room 1)


Incorporating Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation in Asset Management

Understanding, Preventing, and Overcoming Dry Gas Seal Failures in Modern Gas Production Platform

Speaker: Engr. Bon Jovi Matacsil, RME, MSc Mech. Eng'g., CMRP, MLE, VA Cat. II


A Dry Gas Seal (DGS) holds a pivotal role in ensuring the safe and leak-free operation of hazardous gas compressors. Comprising a range of advanced static and dynamic sealing components, it effectively contains hazardous gases within the compressor casing with minimal leak directed to flare system. Given its susceptibility, particularly in terms of sealing fluid and contamination tolerance, a robust comprehension of its functioning and requisites is imperative. This understanding is essential to prevent Dry Gas Seal failures that could lead to production interruptions and loss of containment (LoC). The detection of a malfunctioning Dry Gas Seal, indicated by abnormal primary vent pressure readings, prompts automatic compressor shutdown, subsequently causing production losses and impacting plant committed throughput. Attaining optimal Dry Gas Seal operational lifespan is an achievable goal, provided it is employed with a clean and ample seal gas supply. This paper highlights critical aspects of proper Dry Gas Seal operation, enhancement of startup procedures, and the implementation of a maintenance strategy derived from the learnings gained from the Malampaya Depletion Compressor. These measures aim to prevent premature failures, increase overall equipment train reliability, and ensure sustained performance.


Day 2

October 7, 2023 | 11:15 – 12:00 nn (Conference Room 1)

Engr. Bon Jovi Matacsil

RME, MSc Mech. Eng’g., CMRP, MLE, VA Cat. II

Discipline Engineer – Rotating,  Prime Energy  Resources Dev. B.V.


Bon Jovi is a distinguished technical professional specializing in the maintenance and commissioning of rotating equipment. With a rich background in mechanical engineering, Bon Jovi possesses a mastery of various essential skills in this field. His expertise extends to the preventive and predictive maintenance of refinery rotating equipment, machinery alignment, vibration analysis, and mechanical seal overhauling. He is well-versed in industry standards such as API 610 for centrifugal pumps and API 686 for machinery installation.

Bon Jovi’s leadership capabilities shine through his role in coordinating teams with diverse specializations and overseeing quality assurance management. He excels in root cause failure analysis and defect elimination, offering strategic insights to optimize equipment conditions. Effective communication with contractors and vendors enables him to fast-track pending projects. Additionally, he plays a pivotal role in turnaround inspections for both rotating and stationary equipment.

Educationally, Bon Jovi holds a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Mapua University and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Adamson University. He has earned certifications including Machinery Lubrication Engineer, Certified Vibration Analyst-Category II, and Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional. Registered as a Mechanical Engineer by the Philippine Professional Regulations Commission, Bon Jovi Matacsil’s comprehensive expertise and dedication make him a trusted authority in the realm of rotating equipment maintenance and reliability.


Day 2

October 7, 2023 | 11:15 – 12:00 nn (Conference Room 1)


Understanding, Preventing, and Overcoming Dry Gas Seal Failures in Modern Gas Production Platform

PGPC Risk Based Inspection – A Case Study

Speaker: Engr. Christopher Roces, PME


Stored energy in pressurized components can be dangerous when released. In the event of failure and loss of containment (LOC), it can cause harmful effects to the safety and health of workforce and host community, or irreversible damages to the environment, or result in a reputation-damaging violations. Knowing components’ conditions and validating their integrity are crucial to safely operate fixed pressurized equipment (pipelines & vessels) and manage their inherent risks.

This presentation showcases the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) process employed by Philippine Geothermal Production Company (PGPC) to safeguard against above risks in both Mak-Ban & Tiwi Geothermal fields.

The main purpose of RBI process is to develop a comprehensive inspection program that is appropriate to the risks from safety, health, environment and –as well as- economic standpoints on an equipment/component level. Such program would ensure optimum inspection efforts and resources are allocated to achieve overall reduction of risks to tolerable levels.

RBI allows plant owners to achieve above objective through:

  • systematically identifying degradation mechanisms of their plant components,
  • qualitatively or quantitatively evaluating consequences and likelihoods of failure mechanisms
    evolving into actual LOC events,
  • ranking and prioritizing the risks against company risk matrix, and
  • assigning appropriate proactive inspection strategy; along with risk mitigation plan- if needed.

Critical elements of RBI program are information and data gathering, risk assessment, inspection planning and development of mitigation plans.


Day 2

October 7, 2023 | 02:15 – 03:00 pm (Conference Room 1)

Engr. Christopher Roces


Reliability Engineer – Philippine Geothermal Production Company, Inc. 


Graduated in Bicol University College of Engineering with BS Mechanical Engineering.

Passed in Mechanical Engineer Licensure Exam in 2003 and as a Professional Mechanical Engineer in 2007.

With more than 20years experience in Power, Oil & Gas and Petrochemical industry on Equipment Design and Maintenance and currently working as a Reliability Engineer for Philippine Geothermal Production Company Inc. Responsible for the integrity of pressure vessels and pipelines creating inspection plans and procedures.


Day 2

Oct. 7, 2023 | 02:15 – 03:00 (Conference Room 1)


PGPC Risk Based Inspection – A Case Study