Modern Governance and Operational Excellence: Unveiling the Philippine Government’s Asset Management Plan

Media Partnership (L-R) From Manila Standard - Elvin Clarete, Circulation Supervisor; Mr. Edgar Valmorida, Circulation Manager; From Erudite - Mr. Wins Bernal, President; Ms. Jaymie Jaramillo, Project Coordinator

In an era where digital transformation and fiscal accountability are paramount, the Philippine Government’s launch of the National Asset Management Plan (NAMP) stands as a testament to modern governance. The NAMP was realized through a DOF-DBM-NEDA Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2020-1. At the APM LEAD Conference, the detailed presentation by Ms. Sunshine Quesea of the Department of Budget Management‘s Systems and Productivity Improvement Bureau (DBM-SPIB) provided a benchmark for governmental asset management excellence.

Integrating Global Standards for a Strategic Vision

The roadmap, aligned with the ISO 55000 framework, establishes a systematic approach to managing government assets through their lifecycle. This initiative is a clear reflection of the Philippines’ commitment to global best practices, emphasizing leadership and engineering innovations. The plan ensures assets are effectively managed from acquisition to disposal, serving the public in the most cost-effective manner, as emphasized in Ms. Quesea’s presentation. This strategic vision ensures compliance with stringent legislation and aims to meet investor and customer expectations within a challenging commercial environment.

A Benchmark for Asset Management Excellence

The Philippine Government Asset Management Plan Roadmap (PGAMP) sets a new paradigm for asset management by focusing on operationalizing an asset management system for all strategically important non-financial assets. Ms. Quesea highlighted the roadmap’s objectives and its history of commitment to increasing efficiency, making informed decisions, and reducing government costs.

Moreover, the PGAMP’s alignment with key international standards, including the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the PDCA and DMAIC continuous improvement cycles, positions the roadmap as an invaluable model for asset managers and institutions worldwide.

Building Towards the Future

Looking forward, the Philippine Government plans to expand the NAMP to encompass all non-financial assets, showcasing a forward-thinking and iterative approach to asset management. This expansion and the ongoing commitment to the PGAMP’s principles promise to foster better accountability, sustainability, risk management, service management, and financial efficiency.

Accessing the Roadmap

For professionals keen on adopting these frameworks and contributing to the discussion on asset management, Ms. Quesea’s insightful presentation and related documents are available for download. These materials provide strategic direction and a wealth of knowledge for effective asset management practices.

To delve deeper into this groundbreaking asset management plan, visit DBM’s official website and download the presentation. Direct inquiries about the Philippine Government Asset Management Plan Roadmap can be directed to the SPIB team via email at or by phone at (+63) 02 8657-3000 loc. 1228 (AMD), 1238 (PED), 1226 (ICMD), 1238 (AU).TH


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